Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Lovely You

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) teaches us, one du'a by Ummu Salamah:

اَلْحَمْدُ لِلَّه، اَللَّهُمَّ أْجُرْنِي فِي مُصِيبَتِي وَاخْلُفْ لِي خَيْرًا مِنْهَا

(Alhamdulillaah, Allaahumma'jurni fie musheebati wakhluf lie khoiron minha)

"Thank you, Allah. O my Lord! Reward me (for being tested and patient) of this calamity and replace for me a much better (thing, event) than it."

Most people, they get confused while understanding the real meaning behind this du'a. Historically, the du'a was made by Ummu Salamah when her husband died and soon after that Allah replaced for her the best thing ever: marriage to the Prophet. Guys, it was not only that Allah had replaced SOMEONE much better for Ummu Salamah, but the value here was also about an event of being married to the prophet.

In certain cases of our stories, especially which relate to SOMETHING or SOMEONE who has gone from our lives, we tend to understand that we will be given a SOMETHING or a SOMEONE better after that. Well, inshaAllah that is the promise. Having said that, as a Muslim who need to think creatively about the mercy of Allah, sometimes we also must believe that Allah will replace for us perhaps ON THE RIGHT OCCASION and TIME but still involving the same SOMETHING or SOMEONE. 

I experienced this while accepting the news that I will be getting in the university where I pursued my study (BA & other). I really wanted to get in there, but I didn't get in through the first intake. What to do? Hmm.."it's ok walhamdulillah." I believe that I didn't recite this du'a exactly as per mentioned because I didn't know the du'a before, but I did admit within myself that I'm pleased with what Allah had planned for me. And that's it..I felt happy and hope that let it be another good day for me; prepare for Form 6, got other exam in school bla bla bla :-)

The 'miracle' was coming later. Yes I got in, so smoothly and blessedly unlike what I could imagine myself at that time. Sometimes, the thing we don't like happens just because Allah wants to see whether we trust Him or not. Do we really thank Him? Do we really think positively about His decision? Well short-cut to the end of the story: I didn't manage to go to the university with the first batch, only with the second batch (which I was been told before that when I tried to appeal that it seemed to 'cannot be true for a LKJ student to be a literature student'). Here, what I learned was that Allah wanted me to appreciate friends who were not be accepted to get in any university and they were very good people (mashaAllah), Allah also wanted me to take the responsibility as a student with a humble heart - start all the way as a 'know-nothing' pupil and to not feel-good of being a fresh university student, and above all, He actually wanted to replace for me a much better RESULT and I was out-of-sudden being among the 'famous' juniors in the senior class. MIRACLE subhaanallah:-) 

Here the right thing to ponder:
Life lesson is never available in any course in any university in any place in the world. Trust me. The way we accept how life is meant to us must always be different and seen through a hidden scope. When we see through our hearts, we will value the things which are happening surround us more deeply, the people and their goodness, the memory of being with such a wonderful group of people who accept and appreciate you unconditionally. And the best thing ever that can always be happened is, our sincerity in trusting Allah.

"..and the (best) outcome is for (those of) righteousness."

Got to write this down, as just now I drove back with another friend, a junior girl, who I gave a lift and dropped her at the LRT station which is near to the old office of 'Ansaaris.' I shared with her this story and I hope she got something beneficial which can help her in her future undertaking while studying in Perth soon. Sorry guys, no pride involves, just a sharing of an older moment.

This is another way to show that we are always trusting Allah- which by avoiding something (bad or sinful) for the sake of Him.

"Whoever leave something (that Allah dislikes), Allah will replace for him with something (much) better than that (which He likes)."

P/S: Cantik kan gambar ni? :-) Impressed with the presentation, and of course the words (guys I don't know if this is the hadith or the words of scholars etc. but honestly it is a true advice).

Tuhanmu pesan: "Percaya padaku."

"A Loyal Heart"

"Kunampak Bulan sedang malu-malu kucing untuk mempamerkan wajah ayunya yang sebenar. Masih kecil kerana sedang berada jauh, sedang berlari-lari mendapatkan diriku. Hari ini Bulan semakin matang, tidak lagi kebudak-budakan seperti hari-hari sebelumnya. Esok lusa Bulan pasti bulat penuh; menunjukkan bahawa itulah penampilan sebenar si cantik jelita."

Wah wah..ayatnya sungguh 'guilty pleasure.' I love this term, it came from a junior of mine who I met first time last year at one Islamic course in KL. Alhamdulillah, TQ Allah for a still-go-on sisterhood. Hari ini, genap seminggu Aidiladha meninggalkan aku. Cukup tenang ia pergi tanpa menoleh dan menangis rindu. Aku pun berperasaan yang sama; kami sama-sama bergembira dan tidak terasa perpisahan ini. Aneh, namun itulah hakikatnya. Why? Aidiladha won't be the same with Ramadan; ia pesta empat hari yang penuh dengan makan minum. Sedangkan Ramadan merupakan pesta sepurnama berlapar dan dahaga. Ramadan (dan Aidilfitri) istimewa dengan cara tersendiri, begitu juga Aidiladha..semuanya adalah cinta-cinta suci yang berpegang janji setia dengan seorang hamba bernama aku. Kutahu Ramadan merinduiku, kerana aku juga rindu padanya. Dan Aidiladha, kami sepakat untuk berpesta lagi tahun hadapan pada hari dan waktu yang sama. Ya, ia ibarat persahabatan yang tak pernah luntur. Setia.

Just imagine, on those Aidiladha days which were special, you got another feeling which was also related to something special. Atau lebih tepat "an event which involved an ordinary someone who had made it something 'special.' penulis nampaknya masih belum mahu membukakan rahsia tersebut. Well don't get upset. This is me: my feeling is a secret place where only God can touch it. So who wants to reach there, let Allah be the love in dia punya hati dulu. Acece...

To be honest, don't judge me based on my suka-suka sentences and sweet-sour smile that I always use to do. Well, that is what you guys will do pun. Singkapan tabir perasaan tiada siapa sudi melawat sekalipun tirai sentiasa terbuka luas. Hmm, tak faham eih? Hehehe..yes I don't want anyone to understand. Like I said, it is a secret place-> full of peaceful water poured from the seventh Heaven inshaAllah :-)

One thing I wanna share, I was missing someone on those Tasyriq days, and the day of Aidiladha. Yes, I missed like I just knew how to miss someone. Sincere. Then, a day later, I got a 'surprise!' from an unknown character to you who told me the right and real thing that actually happened. And that thing was really..really made me aware, that Allah is The Best of all-planners. He knows, and He had already planned it for me very well. This is the thing which I can relate to my prayer: "My Lord, I entrust my affair to You." Even the affair is unseen to me, but I am happy to be who I am being right now, and I accept the consequence of this prayer with an open heart.

Alhamdulillah, I'm happy even there will be some people who cannot understand a little heart of a cute me. Never mind, because like I said: "It is a secret place..."

Never mind and be thankful. :-)
